Welcome to my website!

This site is primarily for my Charlotte County, Florida, customers & friends and compliments the training and repairing I do. I make house calls in the Port Charlotte area and I try to help on the phone as much as I can. My pricing is very reasonable and I do not purposely try to undercut anybody. I just really enjoy helping others have a better computing experience and do not see the need to charge 'an arm and a leg' for my time. I also have very little overhead costs and this business is not my sole 'bread and butter'.

I thought this would be a good place to post my tips, hints, techniques, suggestions, or whatever you wanna call 'em, because you probably forgot all I told you during our visit together!!

There are many great websites with terrific computing advice. I will not duplicate these, but will link to some from time to time. While I may not be able to answer all your questions, I hope to at least point you in the right direction.



I conduct computer-related classes at Faith Preparatory School.  There is a computer classroom with 10 Windows' PCs.  Wi-fi is available if you wish to bring your laptop, tablet or smartphone.  Classes are normally held Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, 2:30pm to 3:30pm.  $10.00 per person, per class.  What  a deal!!  Classes are often repeated throughout the year, so, if you miss a class, there's a good chance you can catch it the next time around. You pick and choose which classes to attend, as often as you wish!  I do not provide notes or handouts, as any of this information is freely available on the Internet.  Send me an e-mail to get on my e-mail class schedule (published every other month).

Below is a sampling of the topics I can help you with (other topics are available upon request!):